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What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

The CDCP is a government-funded dental care initiative aimed at lowering financial obstacles to oral health services for Canadian residents who do not have dental benefits and have an annual net income below $90,000.

This program offers coverage for a range of dental treatments, such as preventive care, diagnostic services, restorative procedures, endodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, and oral surgery.

three little kids at preschool

Who is eligible for the CDCP?

Individuals must meet the following criteria, established by the Government of Canada to qualify as an eligible CDCP member:

  • Must not have access to dental insurance.
  • Has a family net income of less than $90,000.
  • Must be a Canadian resident and has filed a tax return in the previous year.
  • To retain eligibility, CDCP members are required to re-enrol for the program annually.
  • Learn more about the CDCP and apply

Tier 1

  • 100% CDCP fee guide coverage
  • Adjusted family net income under $70k

Tier 2

  • 60% CDCP fee guide coverage
  • Adjusted family net income between $70k and $80k

Tier 3

  • 40% CDCP fee guide coverage
  • Adjusted family net income between $80k and $90k

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